Free chapter of “Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for Mobile Robots: Introduction and Method”


Capítulo gratis del libro Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for Mobile Robots: Introduction and Method, Juan-Antonio Fernández-Madrigal y José-Luis Blanco-Claraco (Universidad de Málaga),  IGI Global (2013)

Free chapter of  Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for Mobile Robots: Introduction and Method, Juan-Antonio Fernández-Madrigal and José-Luis Blanco-Claraco (Universidad de Málaga),  IGI Global (2013)

Maps for Mobile Robots: Types and Construction


Publications in education: where to go


[In English]
El año pasado, la E.T.S.I. Informática de la Universidad de Málaga organizó el taller “Publicaciones en Educación”, impartido por el profesor David López, de la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña. La experiencia fue realmente interesante y amena. El profesor López ha realizado una magnífica labor de recopilación de congresos y revistas relativas a educación que dejo aquí:

[En español]
Last year, the Computer Science School at Universidad de Málaga organized a workshop  about teaching publications,  taught by Dr. David López,  assistant professor with the Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña. It was a really interesting and nice experience.  Professor López has done an invaluable job gathering conferences and journals about education, that can be consulted in the following (the links are in Spanish, but the information about journals and conferences is easily understandable):